Frequently Asked Questions

How were you diagnosed?

Like everyone, I grew up relatively healthy. I always had underlying pain, headaches, and dizziness but they were manageable. I believed that it was normal to have some pain. In 2019 I began having consistent and reoccurring kidney infections. They were persistent and did not respond well to medications. I ended up in the hospital multiple times with sepsis. My body struggled to fight the infections but the underlying question as to “why” became very prominent. Why was I having kidney infections every other month? This consistent state made it difficult for me to eat, I was vomiting everything including water. My body was in a consistent stage of discomfort, pain, and trauma. Once we figured out why, I was put through multiple tests and a major procedure to fix the problem. Luckily the surgery was a success but the shock to my system wasn’t. The consistent infections caused my nervous system to become hyperactive. I consistently fainted, had presyncope, very high bpm levels etc. I continued to push through in hopes that my body could heal after the trauma, but my health rapidly declined. Upon referrals and more testing, I was diagnosed with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), Mast Cell Activation Syndrome(MCAS), Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia (IST). I am still on a journey with my medical team regarding additional symptoms and additional concerns but I just take each day, one at a time.

Where did you get Bailey?

I purchased Bailey before I was sick. I had just moved from my family home and decided I needed a companion while I navigated living alone. He was with me through the infections and other emotional trauma. Once I began having the POTS Symptoms, he seemed extremely concerned and wanted to help. Seeing this, I decided to train him to respond to my episodes and solidify his alert behavior. He loves to learn and work, any ounce of information I gave him, he retained.

Who trained Bailey?

I trained Bailey myself and have opened up my own training company called Total Focus Canine Academy. I have studied, interned, and am working to get my IBAAC certifications with the hopes of helping others gain a service dog to aid them through their disabilities. I specialize in training POTS service dogs but we do also train different types of service dogs. If you are looking for guidance please feel free to check out the TFCA website for more information.